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FK76CS 【Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 反冲洗过滤器】

  • FK76CS 【Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 反冲洗过滤器】
  • 单 价:电议


    品 牌:霍尼韦尔  【霍尼韦尔产品】 


    供货总量:起 订:1

    发货期限:自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货



    最后更新:2013-12-13 12:36




The FK76CS filter combinations comprise reverse rinsing filter and pressure reducing valve in one appliance. They ensure a continuous supply of filtered water. The fine filter stops the ingress of foreign bodies, for example rust particles, strands of hemp and grains of sand. The pressure reducing valve prevents pressure damage and reduces water consumption. The integrated appliances correspond to the requirements of the current DIN/DVGW specification. Features of the individual components also apply for the combination unit. FK76CS filter combinations are especially suited for the retrofitting and modernisation of existing water supply systems in buildings. The rotatable connector piece permits installation even where space is limited. Installation can be in either horiziontal or vertical pipework.

Approvals DVGW-approval requested
Media Water
Filter type reverse rinsing
Body material brass, dezincification resistant
Spring bonnet material synthetic material
Port connection external threads
Max. media temperature 40 oC
Pressure rating PN16
Filter mesh 100 micron
Pressure setpoint range 1,5 ... 6 bar
Setpoint scale yes
Transparant strainer chamber yes
Balanced seat design yes
Reverse rinsing with filtered water yes
Mounting position horizontal or vertical
Additional description

Double Spin Technology - Cartridge with external rotor enabling simultaneous cleaning in lower and upper filter areas, visual function check possible

Balanced seat valve
Filtered water supplied even during reverse rinsing
Patented reverse rinsing system - fast and thorough cleaning of the filter with small amount of water
Memory ring indicates when next manual reverse rinsing is due
Automatic reverse rinsing actuator with bayonet connector can be retrofitted

商家简介】DENG YANG TRADING CO.,LTD 邓阳贸易主营产品有:球阀、排泥阀、蝶阀、截止阀、浮球阀、闸阀、止回阀、柱塞阀、调节阀、过滤器、防污阀、刀闸阀、水位控制阀、波纹管截止阀、底阀、隔膜阀、旋塞阀、针型阀、放料阀、保温阀门系列、高温高压阀门、电站阀门、卫生级阀门、安全专用阀等。等40余个品种,200个系列,4000多个规格。阀门规格:DN15-DN1200,10K-20K,压力:1.0-32Mpa、阀门材质有:铸铁、锻钢、不锈钢、铸钢、碳钢、304、316、316L等。驱动方式可采用手动、电...
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