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  • 玉达流水槽模具品种繁多,U型槽钢模具排水效果好
  • 单 价:100.00元/套


    品 牌:玉达模具 




    供货总量:10000 套起 订:1 套

    发货期限:自买家付款之日起 7 天内发货

    所在地:河北 保定


    最后更新:2019-03-25 13:46








The shape of the flume steel mould is very similar to the letter U. A piece of hard work and a piece of harvest. Customers recognize the flume mould and the U-shaped slot mould produced by our company very much. That is the affirmation of Yuda Mould Manufacturing Co., Ltd. At the same time, it is also our incentive and spur, Yuda flume steel mold will be as good as quality products and thoughtful service to consumers to buy at ease with satisfaction. The flume mould has chain prefabrication design. The socket design can make the prefabricated parts more solid. The cement prefabricated parts of Expressway adopt sheet metal die design, which not only shortens the construction period, but also has a good surface finish. U-shaped flume steel mold is generally used for drainage facilities on both sides of the road to avoid road water accumulation and traffic accidents. The use of U-shaped flume mold can greatly ensure the smooth passage of each section of the road. The terrain of the mainland varies greatly. The construction of highways and railways should focus on safety.



The flume die is welded by 3-4mm steel plate. The die is a combined structure and easy to disassemble. The sizes and specifications of the flume die are processed according to the drawings, unlimited quantity, rapid production, timely delivery, quality assurance and assured purchase. The flume mould is explained by the detailed introduction of the inside of the mould and the use of the mould. The use of the flume mould can not be separated from the assistance of large-scale machinery. The flume mould with a length of more than one meter is basically made with hoisting rings. Our company manufactures the flume mould strictly according to the specifications of the flume, creating a more beautiful tomorrow for our country and ourselves.

商家简介】 保定市玉达模具制造有限公司位于经济高速发展的河北古城--保定,紧邻107国道,京珠高速,京广铁路,京石高铁,距北京136公里,天津157公里,石家庄145公里,地处经济金三角,得天独厚的地理位置为正固的发展打下了优质的硬件基础,往全国发货极为方便快捷,是一家集开发、生产、销售于一体的模具企业。保定玉达模具公司主营产品:防撞墙模具,防护栏模具,化粪池模具,检查井模具,隔离墩模具,化粪池模具,电缆槽模具,穿线槽模具,流水槽模具,U型槽模具,排水沟模具,水泥房模具,活动房模具,井盖模具,盖板模具,护坡模具,遮...



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