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  • 日本JRC船用JAN-901B船舶ECDIS电子海图系统
  • 单 价:电议


    品 牌:日本JRC 




    供货总量:10000 台起 订:1 台

    发货期限:自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货

    所在地:江苏 盐城


    最后更新:2021-09-29 14:54



 日本JRC船用电子海图系统  JAN-901B 船用ECDIS电子海图机 电子海图日本无线电子海
– performance features
JAN-901B ECDIS – a newly developed multi-fu
The JAN-901B is a newly developed multi-functional ECDIS. 
It is ergonomically designed to enhance the working 
environment and man/machine interfaces, providing 
continuous position and navigational safety information. 
The JRC JAN-901B off ers practical radar usage with ECDIS, 
more than just overlaying a rough radar image. The radar 
image has a high resolution when interfaced with JRC radars. 
The radar image does not hide the priority objects of vector 
charts, but overlays them on the radar image. At the same 
time, brilliance and clutter controls of the radar images 
continues to be operable.
Radar overlay
Unique features
Also, it is easy to activate, deactivate 
and switch between AIS target 
symbols. This simply can be done 
with an integrated AIS fi lter, 
prioritising the targets within a 
dedicated area.
Multiple and wide screen viewing is possible with the new 
JAN-901B. You can divide the chart screen into two sections, 
in which the same or diff erent charts can be displayed, in a 
mixture of ways. In this fi eld of view, it provides a ‘look-ahead’ 
capability, especially useful in coastal areas. With the wide 
screen view function, an additional screen in the display area, 
showing a segment of the chart, allows viewing at a glance.
The ECDIS system is available in stand alone and desktop versions to suit 
your type of vessel. In the desktop version, the processor unit is the heart of 
the JAN-901B, allowing for fl exible installation approach in confi ned spaces. 
As set by IMO regulations, a Consistent Common Reference 
Point (CCRP) is a location on own ship, to which all horizontal 
measurements, such as target range, bearing, relative course/
speed, closest point of approach, or time to closest point of 
approach are referenced. 
Where multiple antennas are installed, diff erent position off sets for each antenna in the radar system 
should be applied with respect to the CCRP. If you switch between scanners (up to 8 possible - option), 
the information displayed is generated, which allow for consistency and uniform output.
More powerful than ever
The JAN-901B incorporates two Tornado? processors, which are exclusively developed and designed by JRC, 
bringing a new level of performance and reliability to ECDIS operation. The new Tornado? processors, which 
equal the power of eight conventional processors, allow radar overlay processing within a few milliseconds 
before displayed. This generates a smooth and fast image update. The advanced system architecture, make 
the JAN-901B series probably the most sophisticated ECDIS available today.
Man OverBoard
Some items could strike you on the vessel, a slippery deck or 
unexpected movement of the vessel are situations in which a person 
may possibly fall of the vessel. The JAN-901B integrates a single-press 
Man OverBoard (MOB) operation. Instantly, a dedicated symbol arises on 
the screen, providing a range detailed info such as positioning, bearing, 
range and time till arriving at MOB. This emergency system enables 
immediate and accurate search and rescue eff orts.
Conning and external sensors
You can easily connect a wide range of navigation equipment 
to acquire more information. The ECDIS will display exactly the 
info you need in a clear, uncluttered format, reducing the risk of 
accidents. This results in a more relaxing and secure operation. Even 
equipment from diff erent manufacturers can be incorporated.

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