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  • 硅胶手机壳粘亚克力胶水,硅胶手机套粘水钻的胶水
  • 单 价:18.00元/支


    品 牌:金盾 




    供货总量:15498 支起 订:1 支

    发货期限:自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货

    所在地:广东 东莞


    最后更新:2018-03-24 15:15



 【文案】金盾品牌不处理粘性胶> kd-866不处理粘性胶-特征> kd-866不处理粘性硅胶主要特点:硅胶无需处理,可直接粘合(并能有效地解决市场上的粘附问题需要处理的二氧化硅);固化速度快,适用于需要快速粘合硅胶与硅胶、塑料、金属、木材、纸张、陶瓷等材料的粘接;粘接材料可以撕破后硅胶不脱胶(硅胶面作为一个解决方案)。具有耐沸水性、耐高温、耐低温、耐拉伸、耐老化、防水、耐油、透明度高等特点。操作方便,无白雾、环保等特点。

The kd-866 does not handle sticky silicone adhesive. Features: Silicone does not need to be treated and can be directly bonded (and can effectively solve the problem Adhesion, the need to deal with the silica); curing speed, suitable for the need for rapid bonding silica gel and silicone, plastic, metal, wood, paper, ceramics and other materials bonding; adhesive material can be torn off silicone (Silicone surface as a solution). With boiling water resistance, high temperature, low temperature resistance, tensile resistance, anti-aging, waterproof, oil, high transparency. Easy to operate, no white mist, environmental protection and so on.

kd-866不处理粘性硅酮胶的应用> 1,广泛用于粘接亚克力水钻,硅胶和硅(硅橡胶、硅树脂)之间的结合。> 2、硅胶及各种塑料粘合剂(如ABSPVCPSPCPMMAEVAPETPBT> 3,和其他塑料胶木)之间的硅胶与金属的粘接(如铁、不锈钢、铝合金、磁铁、锌合金、电镀铜、金属制品等> 4、硅胶)与各种橡胶胶粘剂(如三胶EPDM乙丙橡胶;橡胶;天然橡胶;丁腈橡胶;氯丁橡胶;丁基橡胶、氟橡胶、合成橡胶;丁苯橡胶)等固化后,韧性,不硬,附着力强,粘结强度后硅材料可以达到/损伤撕裂的效果;粘接面溶为一体。具有耐沸水性、耐候性、耐高温、耐低温、抗拉力、耐老化、防水、耐油、透明度高、附着力好、操作方便、无漂白、环保等优点。

Kd-866 does not deal with the application of sticky silicone adhesive> 1, widely used in bonding acrylic diamond, silicone and silicon (silicone rubber, silicone) between the combination. 2, silica gel and various plastic adhesives (such as ABS, PVC, PS, PC, PMMA, EVA, PET, PBT> 3, and other plastic bakelite) between the silicone and metal bonding (such as iron, Rubber, natural rubber; nitrile rubber; chloroprene rubber; butyl rubber, rubber, rubber, rubber, rubber, rubber, rubber, , Fluorine rubber, synthetic rubber; styrene-butadiene rubber) and other curing, toughness, not hard, strong adhesion, bonding strength of silicon material can achieve / damage tear effect; It is resistant to boiling water, weather resistance, high temperature resistance, low temperature resistance, tensile strength, aging resistance, water resistance, oil resistance, high transparency, good adhesion, easy operation, no bleaching, environmental protection and so on.


四:kd-866不处理粘性硅酮胶-> 1。使用kd-866不处理粘性硅酮胶,请密封以防止胶固化。


 Three: the use of glue> in the silicone adhesive surface kd-866 appropriate glue (viscous silica gel according to the size of the rubber sleeve or the front of the nozzle PE pipe needle control glue) stick together after the two, positioning 3-5 minutes to tear silicone Degumming.

Four: kd-866 does not deal with sticky silicone glue - note> 1. Use kd-866 does not handle sticky silicone gum, please seal to prevent gel cure.

  2.kd-866 does not handle viscous silica gel. It should be placed in a dry, cool, lightless place. Avoid direct sunlight. Long time not used, it should be stored in the cold (5-8 degrees).

五:储存和保质期> > 1。保证期:2-3个月,20g/支,1000ml/支

Five: storage and shelf life. Warranty period: 2-3 months, 20g / support, 1000ml / support

商家简介】东莞市景舜复合材料有限公司于1993年在东莞大岭山投资建成,是国内最具竞争力胶粘剂专业制造厂家之一,工厂拥有一批高素质研发团队及工程技术人员,配备世界先进生产设备。自产品问世以来,营销全国各地及美、日、欧、中东市场,质高价平的产品优势深受广大客户青睐。 东莞市景舜复合材料有限公司旗下四大品牌:巨箭JUKAM、全能王QNVOR、胶匠JOJON、KEYDAK,所有产品均通过欧美环保认证,应用材质涵盖:工程塑料,ABS,不饱和聚酯,聚乙烯,聚丙烯,硅橡胶,EPDM,压克力,橡胶(天然橡胶、丁基橡胶),玻璃(普通...



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